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Mobile Detailing and Automotive Reconditioning Services Auto Detailing

Since the founding of Direct Details Client satisfaction has been our #1 priority! With pick-up, drop off, ride and mobile car detailing we are the most affordable auto reconditioning company in Broome County! We don't substitute quality for convivence, our trained auto recon specialists interior detailing will produce unbelievable results and exterior detailing will leave your car with a deep gloss finish.




Initially I (James Howard) started Direct Details May 2019 as a way to have the time and freedom to be more engaged with my children. After traveling to San Diego for professional training I was hopeful that I would be able to recon enough cars to take care of my family. With the help of my family, friends, the amazing team here at Direct Details and last but definitely not least the Broome county drivers and loyal clients, Direct Details has grown into one of your most reputable auto recon shops. We came a long way from that 4x5 foot trailer and i intend to provide you with great quality, convenient client service for years to come.

Buffing a Car

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129 Brown st, Johnson city, NY 13790


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